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Sale price$9.00

Taranaki Anniversay

Due to Taranaki Anniversary next Monday (10th March) all plant orders will be shipped out the week after from 17th March.

Hands down my favourite lace flower of them all! Its fluffy larger outer petals make it all the more reminiscent of lacework, and a total attention stealer.

Space about 20-25cm apart in a mostly sunny spot. Reasonably good at holding itself upright (but I always grow in large groups that hold each other up, so some support maybe necessary). Annual - but leave it to self seed and it'll almost feel like a perennial.


Please note, we have a minimum plant order of $45 (approx. 5 plants) – you can mix & match any plants to meet the minimum.

Our plant boxes can fit up to 10 plants per box.

Plant orders are shipped on Mondays (& Tuesdays).

See our Shipping Page for more info.

Orlaya grandiflora

Plant Type: Hardy Annual

Ideal Location: Full Sun / Partial Shade

Spacing: 15–30cm

Height: 70cm+

Orlaya is a prolific self seeder, remove seed pods before they brown off to limit their volunteers.

Reasonably good at keeping themselves upright during springs storms, support is likely not needed (unless it always blows a fierce gale where you plant).

Flowers hold best when harvested after the first flower on the stem has just set seed and the stems are firm. Orlaya can be wilty when it gets warmer.